We all know that ear wax basically traps dust and other small particles to prevent them from reaching, and damaging or infecting the eardrum. What causes earwax?? Well, in simple terms, earwax can be called ears cleaning system. It is an oily material that is produced by glands within the ear canal and is naturally-occurred in the ear as a protective substance. What is earwax made of? Ear max is primarily made up of the shed layers of skin. It contains about 60% of keratin, saturated and unsaturated long-chain fatty acids, squalene, about 6%-9% cholesterol. Ear wax is also slightly acidic in nature and has antibacterial properties. Also, without earwax, the ear canal would become dry and prone to infections. Symptoms of earwax problems Normally, after the wax is produced, it slowly makes its way through the outer ear canal to the opening of the ear. Then it either falls out or gets removed when you wash. But in some cases, too much earwax builds up and becom...
We need to take the hearing loss on a serious note. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Services, about one-third of Americans aged between 65 and 75 suffer from some kind of hearing problem. For people older than 75 years, this ratio turns out to be 1:2. Audiologists divide hearing disorder into four main categories that include- • Conductive hearing loss • Sensorineural hearing loss • Mixed hearing loss and • Auditory Neuropathy Conductive Hearing Loss Do you feel that your outer or middle ear is being obstructed? You aren’t able to hear properly due to faint or distorted sound. Just get your ears examined because you may be suffering from Conductive hearing loss . The sound fails to travel to the inner ear from the eardrum. During an ear examination, the hearing professionals can find any of these following concerns. ● I...